Monday, February 06, 2006

Some music just plain sucks

I've been getting some interesting submissions lately.
A lot of it has been really good and will definitely get played. Some is just alright and might get played if I feel some sort of obligation...but some of the music I'm getting is just terrible.

Sometimes, the production quality is really crappy. In some instances, I will play songs that don't have the best production quality if it fits the genre (like punk or riot grrrl). I have had a lot of submissions where the artists say that it's just them in their room with their guitar and garageband to record and it it sounds good. I'm not sure what these other people are doing.

Sometimes, the song, the singer or the playing suck. Crappy voice, crappy lyrics and crappy guitar playing will not get you played. I have a hard time saying no to someone. I want to be like Simon Cowell and tell them "That was abysmal and wretched", but instead I make up excuses. I hate that part of doing this show. Rejecting someone is not any fun.

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