Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Why women's music?

Someone asked me why I chose to do a podcast with just women. There are a lot of reasons for that.
I have always loved women's music. Something about a girl with a guitar is just plain good. That isn't saying that boys with guitars aren't good too because there are plenty of male voices in my music collection. I just tend to be drawn more to women's voices. I have a friend who prefers male voices. No biggie, just a personal preference.

When I started looking around at what kind of music podcasts were out there, there wasn't anyone out there doing what I was doing. Well, I take that back. 4 days before I did my first podcast, someone else started one too but I didn't find out about it until a lot later. Besides that, she does internet radio and podcasting is secondary. I am the only person with a podcast like this that isn't also doing internet radio. The majority of voices in podcasting are male. There is a proliferation of male voices singing songs on these podcasts with male voices touting them. Now, I'm not saying that's a bad thing because I have listened to a lot of kick ass podcasts that with male voices. I wanted to stand out. I'm a woman in a forum that is dominated by men. I did not want to fall into their mold.

Besides, I wanted to resurrect Rubyfruit Radio and really, it's kind of fun to say rubyfruit radio over and over again. :)


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