Thursday, July 13, 2006


I'm thinking about starting another show. I've been kicking it around in my head for a while. I could never get anyone to commit to be a co-host so I sort of came up with "The Heather and Whoever Show". The whoever would be whoever I could get on the phone or to come over to my house. It could be my mom, it could be my girlfriend, it could be my dog, I just don't know.

I don't get into my beliefs too much on Rubyfruit. I may mention something about how the current adminsitration sucks but by and large, I don't talk about anything not related to the music. That's the way I want it. But I also have a lot of stuff rolling around in my brain. Might as well take it to the people. I would talk about queer topics, pop culture or whatever.

I'm also trying to figure out how to get people more involved. I know people are listening because I see the stats, but I like feedback. It helps me know that everyone is happy. I guess everyone is happy because the numbers are up and no one is complaining. I want to have some giveaways. People like free stuff right? We'll see.
I'd also like for people to visit the forum. Maybe I will just start randomly posting there and see if anyone else shows up.

I have lots of random Rubyfruit related things in my brain. Now that I have a job where I actually have to work, I don't have time to do Rubyfruit stuff. That and the bastards block things I need to have access to, like gmail, myspace, podshow among many others. I couldn't even go to a gardening forum to look to see when I need to cut my hydrangeas back because it was filtered as chat. Yet, I can get into places like yahoo mail, livejournal, blogger and even my own forum, but not the things I need to access to do all the show related stuff. What I think a lot of people don't understand is that making the show is the easy part. The hard part is all the prep getting permission to play music, finding the music etc and the post show details like blogging about the show and letting people know who was on to try and spread the word about Rubyfruit.

So many little time.


Blogger Anna said...

Where is this forum of which you speak? I have hunted high and low and can't find it.

I'm a little behind on listening, too... about half-way through episode 53 at the moment. Glad to see Kym Tuvim on the list!

9:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Heather,

I would so love to help you somehow with Rubyfruit Radio. If that meant taking some of the "secretarial" jobs such as the blogging the lists to the various sites I'm on (myspace, livejournal, youtube, etc) out of your hands, I could do that. You should have my contact information somewhere :)

I don't have a mic, but if you know when you'd want to do another sort of show and need someone to call and such, I'd love to help with that too.

Yeah. BTW, have I mentioned I love Rubyfruit Radio? I've definitely plugged the podcast to the Sirsy message board. So there you go :)

2:37 PM  

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